Saturday, January 25, 2020

Personality Interests And Career Suitability

Personality Interests And Career Suitability The purpose of this report is to examine my suitability for the career I wish to pursue as well as look at other areas that maybe more suited to my personality and interests. I will highlight my suitability to the career in which I have chosen through self-awareness and career exercises. I will be analysing these findings and determining my suitability for my chosen career as well as the implications that I may face. I will then review potential career opportunities of interest to me and why I have chosen this particular career as well as reviewing the selection procedure that I would have to go through in order to join the Metropolitan police service. Finally, I will produce an action plan for the next 5 years based on my career and life goals and the steps I would need to take in order to achieve my goals. Throughout this report I will be referring to material that I have used that can be located at the end of this report in the appendixes. A Future on the Front Line Initial Reflections In my Career Planning Preparation Questionnaire  [1]  (See Appendix I), I outlined occupations that I was considering. After further thought into this, I have decided that my main goal is to join the Metropolitan Police Service, although I will be conducting research into Mi5 as a back up option if I was not successful in joining the Police service. The report was very accurate in that it stated that I was a very confident person and knew what interests me and what sort of career I would like to pursue which I believe will be evident throughout this report. In the comments section at the end of each section I set my self tasks to complete, I have done all of these I purchased the book stated, this proved useful when completing assignment one in for which I got a very good grade. I have completed the Prospects Planner  [2]  (Appendix V) and this will be referred to throughout. I have also conducted extensive research into the Metropolitan Police service and Mi5. Self- Awareness Analysis and Reflection Following the Type Dynamics Indicator  [3]   In order to understand the type of person I am and what sort of job my personality would be best suited to and that implications that may arise I conducted the Type Dynamics Indicator Exercise (Appendix II) After answering a number of questions, the indicator suggested that I preferred the style of co-ordinator. This is one of the most organised and responsible of the types. A more detailed analysis can be found in the appendix. When I read the report and compared it to how I view myself and how this would fit into the police force, I found it to be very useful and insightful. Throughout my career I have always preferred an ordered and disciplined work environment, hands on roles rather than office based work, and I loathe work which is unstructured or wastes time. My preferred style also explains why creative writing and performing arts have never interested me, as this is not typical of a co-ordinator. I enjoy taking responsibility in teams, which is evident throughout my academic and voluntary roles. I was form representative throughout secondary school, college and university. I was also chair of Basildon Youth council for 3 years. According to the report, the above elements are very typical of a co-ordinator. I can be a very tough leader. I am very organised and ensure everyone has a task and a deadline by which to complete it by. I will also put equal if not more work into the task as well and respect those who do too. Many co-ordinators are found in the police force. This is because they are organised, traditional, loyal and efficient and the job gives them a role where duty, courage and a sense of responsibility are the foundations and together with purpose, direction and delivery. I think my preferred style is very suited to a career in the Police force. Although areas I may wish to improve are flexibility, allowing people to do things in their own way and being more appreciative to other peoples feelings. My Strengths and Weaknesses I used the activity How Well Do You Know Yourself  [4]  to help me highlight my strengths and weaknesses. I had to select five words that described me, including at least one weakness, I asked two of my house mates whom I have lived with for 2 years to do the same. The results are outlined below. How I see myself: Outgoing Moody Driven Reliable Authoritative How others see me: Aggressive Outgoing Confident Driven Authoritative It appears that I see myself very similar to how others see me. Both my friends and I also stated that I was driven which hopefully will stand out when I go for through the selection process and promotions. One of my weaknesses that I put down was that I can be moody, this was not picked up on by my friends by they did state that I can be aggressive. This may prove a problem when in the police force and so I should try to be less aggressive and abrupt when dealing with people as this may aggravate situations, instead I will be more authoritative as this will also resolve situations. Because I have been involved in voluntary work from a young age this is also one of my major strengths as not only do the police view those who have undertaken voluntary work very highly I have also worked in a wide range of different teams with different police and developed numerous skills such as communication, presenting, leadership, teamwork, delegation and compromising. The work I have also undertaken with the police with add to my strengths further as I have a more in depth knowledge of the workings of the police that not a lot of other candidates will. Analysis of Career Interests To assist me to identify my career interests I used the John Holland Career Interest Inventory  [5]  . My Results stated that my code was ESI. A description of the different aspects is below. Realistic Investigative Artistic Social Enterprising Conventional People who have athletic or mechanical ability, prefer to work with objects, machines, tools, plants or animals, or to be outdoors. People who like to observe,learn, investigate, analyze, evaluate or solve problems. People who have artistic, innovating or intuitional abilities and like to work in unstructured situations using their imagination and creativity. People who like to work with people to enlighten, inform, help, train, or cure them, or are skilled with words. People who like to work with people, influencing, persuading, performing, leading or managing for organizational goals or economic gain. People who like to work with data, have clerical or numerical ability, carry out tasks in detail or follow through on others instructions 6 My most popular interest area was enterprising. A more detailed analysis of this on the same website, said that I am self confident, assertive, ambitious, popular and extroverted  [7]  which are similar qualities to those highlighted in my strengths and weakness section. It also stated that I enjoy heading meetings, evidence of which is my 3 years as chair of Basildon Youth Council and achieving awards, something that of course I always enjoy. Occupations that matched my code included, computer operators, paramedic and stoke brooking, although none of these careers has ever interested me. A police officer matches the Holland code of SER. I matched the social and enterprising aspect but lacked in the realistic aspect as in the description it stated that the interests include working with machinery, plants, and tools which is something that does not appeal to me. I still believe my interests match closely with that of a Police officer and that my interests will still be fulfilled. Analysis of Career motivators and Drivers I completed an exercise  [8]  developed by Dave Francis in order to highlight my career drivers (Appendix III). The two highest scoring elements were material rewards and power/influence. I was not surprised by the power/influence element as I enjoy taking on responsibility and believe I perform better in teams that I am leading. I was surprised by the material rewards element. I have never considered myself a material person, but that maybe because I have never been in a strong financial position as I am from a low-income background. My need for a better life where I do not have to worry about money maybe what is driving me to succeed and may be why I have chosen to take a degree in order to be able to apply for the high development scheme within the police force to aid my promotion prospects. I maybe further motivate to gain promotion because power and influence drives me to succeed. I dont think I would be happy in a career which does not allow me to develop or where there is no opportunity for promotion. Prospects Planner Results I completed a personal profile on the prospectus website  [9]  (Appendix IV). In the skills area I matched 100% in three areas, counselling, social and guidance services, human resources and employment and legal services. I believe this is a good match to me as I have been involved in a lot of youth and community engagement work through my voluntary roles and I enjoyed this very much. I also undertook a 4-week work placement while I was at school with McCormacks Criminal Defence Solicitors that I enjoyed too. I was surprised that I scored so highly on human resources as this is an area I have never considered or interested me before. My highest scoring on my interests and motivations was again counselling at 71% and teaching at 69%. I was surprised that I scored highly on teaching as this is another area that has never interested me. My combined profile matched most highly with counselling with legal services very close behind. Both of these have interested me throughout my life and I would consider a career in these areas if I were unsuccessful in my original career plans or wanted a change of career later in life. Appendix V demonstrates how well my combined profile matches the job of a police officer. My overall match was good however; there are some areas that I scored ok or poorly in. After looking at the report the areas in which I have said I would like to avoid or be a minor part of my job are those that I would not mind incorporating into my career. They are things I am competent at so I do not think they will prevent me from enjoying or performing my role as a police officer My Career and Life Goals Pass my driving test Have a degree with a 2.1 or first class classification Successfully gain employment with the metropolitan police service Gain promotion Career opportunities Although a large part of this report will be based on the Police force I have also conducted research into Mi5 as I will need a back up option if I were not successful in joining the police. Mi5 Graduate Positions Graduate positions within Mi5 are advertised on their website ( a specification of a job that would appeal to me is attached to this report  [10]  (Appendix VI). Before you apply for the job you are invited to complete a short test  [11]  of scenarios with possible responses which you have to select in order to test your suitability to the role. I conducted this exercise and a copy of my results can be found under appendix VII. Eligibility Criteria In order to join you have to be at least 18 years old, you must be a British citizen and one of your parents also has to be. You have to have been resident in Britain for at least 9 out of the last 10 years prior to your application. This does not apply to those who have been serving abroad with HM Forces. You also have to be of good mental and physical health. Depending on the role you apply for you may have to meet other requirements such as degree classification or previous experience. Recruitment Process The recruitment process is quite lengthy and can last up to 6 months. The first step is to get an application form from one of the services external recruitment agencies. If your application meets the required standard you will then be shot listed and the best candidates on the short list will be invited for a competency based interview with the services graduate recruitment team. If successful you will then attend a one day assessment centre where a range of competencies will be tested. Successful completion of this will lead onto another interview this time with the services vetting section. This will last for at least 2 hours and will involve personal questions about your background and lifestyle to ensure you are suitable to having access to sensitive material. Those who pass this element will return for a final interview with the final selection board. If successful the vetting process is then complete and a job offer will be made. Depending on what role you are applying for you may need to do additional assessments such as fitness tests, medical examinations and in the case of the vacancy attached to this report you also have to do a 2 hour driving assessment. Training Once you have been appointed you undertake a week long initial induction course prior to taking up then post and then you will undertake a two-year training programme. Metropolitan Police Service Graduate Positions The recruitment process is open to everybody and is not limited to graduates only. In order to apply for the Metropolitan Police Service you have to complete an application form, in which it asks you to give examples of a number of competences. The only way you can get one is to attend one of the recruitment events that are held throughout the year in various different areas of London, details of the events can be found on their website This is to assess your dedication to the force to which you are applying. Eligibility Criteria In order to join the police you must be a British Citizen, a citizen of the EU or other states in the EEA, or a Commonwealth citizen or foreign national with indefinite leave to remain in the UK. The minimum age is 181/2 but you can apply to join at 18. There are no formal qualifications needed although you will be required to be able to pass the tests. You must also be physically and mentally fit enough to perform the duties of a police officer. Recruitment Process The recruitment process can take in excess of 12 months. If you are successful in the application stage, which 65-75% of people are not due to poorly filled out application forms  [12]  , you will be sent notification of your assessment centre date and information regarding the process. While at the assessment centre, you will be a customer service officer and the scenarios and exercises will be based around a fictitious shopping centre called the Westshire Centre. During the assessment centre, you will undertake two 20 minute written exercises, which could be a report and a letter for example. This will test your problem solving, communication and written skills. The interview is the next part. It generally last 15-20 minutes and you will be asked 4 different questions and you will have to provide examples of things you have done in the past to demonstrate you competency in different areas. You will then go through four interactive role-play stations. At each station you will be given five minutes preparation time at each station in which to study the background information to the role play and make any notes which you can take in with you. When the five minutes are up you will enter a room, interact with a role-play actor, and deal with the situation for five minutes. The last exercise you complete at the assessment centre is the Police Initial Recruitment Test, which consists of two papers; Numeric (12 minutes), and Verbal Logical Reasoning (25 minutes). You will receive results of your assessment centre within 14 days. Each of the competencies tested will be graded between A-D, D being the lowest. If you have passed, you will also be sent details of the next stage of the assessment, which is the fitness tests and medical. Firstly, you will undergo a medical in which your hearing, vision, blood pressure, body fat etc will be tested. Your height and weight will also be taken. If you pass the medical, you can progress to the fitness test. The first stage of the fitness test will measure your upper body strength. There is two parts pushing and pulling, these will both be measured on a Dyno machine. You need pull at 35kg and push at least 34kg to pass. The next test is a bleep test. In this test, you will run between two points 15 meters apart. You will run to one end turn around wait for the beep and run back to the other end before the other beep. As the test, progresses the beeps will get closer and closer together through the levels. You will have to reach at least level 5.4 to pass. Once you have completed this section successfully you will go through the final vetting and reference checks, if this is successful you will then be formally offered employment and fitted for your uniform. Training When you start, you will initially undertake a 5-week module at Hendon Recruit Training School after which you are designated a borough where you will carry out a remaining 26 weeks training as part of the Initial Police Learning and Development Programme.  [13]   Every recruit will undergo a 2-year probationary period before they will become a fully trained constable. High Potential Development Scheme Those who show potential during training will automatically be invited to join the High Potential Development Scheme, you can also apply to join the High Development Potential Scheme after one year with the service, you do not need to have a degree to apply, but you must be able to cope with the academic demands. It is anticipated that there will only be 60 places on the scheme in the Metropolitan Police Force for 2009  [14]  . In order to apply you will have to fill out an application form when they become available, you can find out when they are available from your boroughs HDPS representative. If you are successful the assessment takes place in three stages. Stage one an in-force assessment where candidates will demonstrate the ability to meet the high level eligibility criteria. Forces will be asked to recommend their very best officers. Stage two is a series of ability tests, including tests of your verbal, numerical and non-verbal ability, and a test of your judgement and decision making in a range of managerial scenarios. These tests are designed along the same lines as the selection tests used for the Strategic Command Course, they will ensure that candidates have the ability to deal with the required academic programme. However, dependent on how many people are recommended, these tests may also be used to select the best officers on merit to attend the assessment centre at Stage 3. Stage three is an assessment centre incorporating; written exercises, interactive exercises, an oral briefing exercise and a competency-based interview. Candidates will also take a personality questionnaire. The feedback from the questionnaire will only be used to give all applicants developmental feedback; it is not part of the selection process  [15]  . If you are successful, you will then embark on a two-year development programme leading to a postgraduate diploma related to policing in which you will be assessed throughout the whole process. Workplace support and development is also available. Those who are successful at this stage and still show potential to reach Chief Officer level can go onto the next level where they will undertake further development leading on to a masters. Promotion will be given to those who can show the Chief Officer that they are competent in the next rank and pass the relevant exams; the advantage to this is that they do not have to wait for vacancies to come up and therefore move through the ranks quicker than those who are not on the scheme. Even those who are not on the Scheme can still apply for promotion once they have completed their 2-year probationary period. There are numerous opportunities to specialise further. There are various different departments that you can work in such as the dog section, CID, Scenes of Crime, Intelligence, Terrorist Division, armed response, air support etc. Pay and Benefits During training you will be paid  £28,497 and after completion of training this will rise to  £31,068  [16]  .A more detailed break down of the salary for officers at all different levels can be found as Appendix VIII of this report. You will also have access to a comprehensive pension scheme and free travel within your borough. Why the Police Service? When I was 10 I attended an open day at the local police station. I was amazed at the variety of work they undertook and the job really appealed to me. I started getting involved in volunteer work I became a member of the Basildon Youth Council and this lead on to further opportunities to work closely with the police where I learnt a lot about the force and the job. I continued aiming to become a police officer and decided to study Public Services at college. I wanted a vocational course that enabled me to learn more about the jobs within the police as well as giving me opportunity to work with the police and other organisations. Now I am at University studying the degree of Policing and Criminal Investigation. I chose this I get to study various aspects of the work of the Police in detail as well as learn English law in great depth too. The degree will also assist me when I join the police and apply for the High Development Potential Scheme. A career in the police force appeals to me, as I would like a job that is both challenging and rewarding whilst giving something back to the community and making a different in the lives of those around us. Although it does have some drawbacks. It is a very dangerous career as you are the first response to most violent incidents, some incidents you attend can also be very traumatic. Because of the shift patterns it can leave very little time for a social life and plans which you make may have to be cancelled due to more pressing work. Action Plan I am now going to create an action plan for myself based on my career and life goals previously mentioned. Pass my driving test By the end of summer 2009 I will have passed my driving test. I am going to achieve this by taking a week long crash course in Blackpool, costing around  £1000; this cost will include 40 hours worth of driving, my theory and practical test costs as well. This will assist me when applying for Mi5 and the police service. Have a degree with a 2.1 or first class classification By then end of summer 2010 I hope to have gained my degree with a 2.1 classification or higher. I will achieve this by attending all my lectures and seminars, conducting extra reading and research. Planning assignments in advance and conducting extensive research and reading to enable me to complete my assignments to the best of my ability. I will also be continually revising throughout the year to ensure I am ready for my exams. Successfully gain employment with the Metropolitan Police Service During my last semester at university I will regularly check the metropolitan police website to see where the recruitment events are where I can obtain an application form. After obtaining this I will spend a lot of time filling this out correcting with good examples. If I am successful at this stage I will then conduct practise for the assessment centre by rehearsing interviews studying the information regarding the assessments and build on my fitness. Gain Promotion If I gain employment with the police service I will continually work hard to show my willing and ability to join the High Development Scheme. I will request an application form when they become available and if I am successful in joining the scheme I will work hard to complete the exercises that are required of me and continually show my enthusiasm and capabilities, Conclusion After completing the self-awareness and career tests, I discovered that my personality would be very suited to a job in the police force. In the Type Dynamics Indicator  [17]  , my preferred style was a co-ordinator and one of the better suited occupations to this style is a police officer. My strengths that were highlighted in the how well do you know yourself  [18]  exercise will assist me while I am in the Police force as both my friends and I said I was authoritative. Although being moody and aggressive were my weaknesses I can work on these issues and they shouldnt pose a problem when I join the Police force. Although my career interests inventory did not match exactly with that of a Police Office I still had two elements, social and enterprising, that matches a police office so I still will be a good match for the job and my interests do not differ majorily. My career drivers, material rewards and power and influence, will help motivate me and encourage me to go for promotions and which is why I want to apply for the High Potential Development Scheme in the police force which I discussed earlier in the report. Finally, whilst my prospects planner results did not highlight the police force as being one of the best matches the occupations I did match had elements that were needed in the police force and when I matched my profile with a police officer it proved a good match. Overall, I believe the exercises did not highlight many implications for my career choice. After conducting research into Mi5 and the Metropolitan Police Service I decided that I will defiantly be applying for the Metropolitan Police service as my first choice employer and if I were successful in gaining employment I will be applying to join the High Potential Development scheme as well. Although, if I were not successful I believe Mi5 will also provide me with just as an exciting and challenging career that I would be happy in. In conclusion, I will work towards the targets that I have set myself in this report and hopefully I will be successful in reaching my career aims.

Friday, January 17, 2020


The issue that we have been researching and investigating in class is alcohol education in school, so that we can campaign and raise some kind of awareness for alcohol education as a regular lesson in all schools throughout Britain. The reason for this is because we feel and have noticed that young adults in their teen years are drinking regularly on a daily basis and a part of that main reason might actually be the fact that we don't have any real education to teach us about the dangerous effects of alcohol and this leaves them vulnerable when drinking.Robert Prefer, under of the rehab centre Sober College, said,† Vive seen an increase in risky behavior in young adults over the last year, I think that alcohol education programs should be introduced â€Å". Alcohol abuse is becoming an increasing important topic among teenage school students. Although we try to teach students to not to EVER start drinking and that it's illegal to for a minor to consume alcohol, the reality is that they will be likely to try it before they finish secondary school college. â€Å"Let's pay Dry.Curry, who is the dean of the College of Public Health at the University of Iowa. You may want to take a look at how you are drinking. If it escalates, you're at risk, but you can change that now. † I know what most young adults drink for social reasons or because they want to ‘impress' some people they may know, but they don't know any of the negative effects that can happen afterwards. Drinking today is much more open than it has been years ago. It's only because of the numerous equipments that have access to the media and advertisements.Whilst researching the current law regarding alcohol I found out that the teen must be 18 or up before he or she can u or drink alcohol beverages. Lastly, it is against the law for your teenager/sees to possess alcohol on any street, highway, or public place, carry alcohol in a car, or be a passenger in carrying alcohol unless accompani ed by parent of legal guardian. The problems that can arise from drinking, can involve around sicknesses, addiction, social behavior and even death!When we buy alcohol we have the responsibility to look after ourselves and not drink way too much but then again we have the right to purchase alcohol at the age of 18. My first argument is about getting behind the wheel while being drunk. Statistics suggest that 60 percent of teenage deaths in car accidents are related to alcohol. Motor vehicle crashes remain the number one cause of death among teens aged 1 5 to 20. A few reasons why a drunk teenager might get behind the wheel is not wanting to get in trouble by calling parents, friends, etc.Another reason can be that the teenage boy or girl might feel that there isn't another way to get home. I'm pretty sure that teens that get behind the wheel after consuming major amounts of alcohol don't even think about any of the consequences that can occur. They might also think that is not a big deal and that it's alright to do if other teens do the same. For all teens, the risk of involvement in a motor vehicle accident is greater than it is for older drivers. Teens that drink and drive are more likely to get into an accident than if their parents drink and drive.In fact, a teenage boy with a . 05 blood alcohol concentration is 18 times more likely to suffer an accident than a teen that does not drink. Also three out of four teen drivers that were killed in a crash as a result from drinking and riving were not wearing their stables. Teens, such as African Americans, are even less likely to wear their settable in the car than their Caucasian friends are. Teens are more likely to participate in dangerous situations and terrible circumstances. I also read studies by SAD that found out 28. Percent of teens from the age of 14-19, rode one or more times in a car with someone who had been drinking as the driver. Half of teen deaths from motor vehicle accidents happen between 3:0 0 P. M. And midnight. Moreover, 54 percent happen on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. Eight teens ii daily as the result of an alcohol related car accident. 1,500 teens, ages 15-20 die in car accidents every year. There is no reason why a teen should drink and drive. We shouldn't let teenage peer pressure or other influences affect the decision to not drink and drive.Being part of a teenager is making mistakes and growing up; drunk driving is a mistake that someone may have to carry with themselves for the rest of their life. ‘There is no reason why a teen should drink and drive. There are always other things that can be done rather than getting behind the wheel† says Dry. Tania Doorman from the University of Bath. This argument is telling us we need alcohol education because teenagers from our school shouldn't be dieing in car accidents, because they weren't taught anything about risks.Also we need to be more positive and stress that most our of students are responsible a nd that we are are not worried about them drinking and driving when we really are. Research shows that 1 out of 8 people have sex under the influence of alcohol. Mixing sex with too much alcohol could leave you with more than you earned for. The SE of alcohol can affect anything and it's very easy to forget about using a condom or taking the pill which could leave you vulnerable to sexually transmitted infections, an unwanted pregnancy or a night you regret with someone that you're not even attracted to.Choosing to have sex for the first time can make you feel different kinds of emotions. You might feel excited, stressed, scared and nervous all at once. Drinking to deal with these conflicting feelings may be an important factor when people lose their virginity. Like other drugs, alcohol drinking can seem like a good dead if you're nervous about being naked in front of another person, or worried about ‘getting it right' in bed. But studies show that nearly one third of teens sa id they were unhappy with the way they lost their virginity, because they were too drunk.It also doesn't help that too much alcohol can affect men's sexual performance. Dry. Joyce Bam of INCH commented on the â€Å"increased and intensified† message in schools concerning the down side of teen sex: â€Å"Given how many of those efforts are going on,† Bam said, â€Å"it is probably making an impact on both abstinence and responsible sexual behavior. † Also, the consequence of not using some kind of birth control pills is that you or your partner could get pregnant. The I-J currently has one of the highest teenage pregnancies.Not using a condom because you've been drinking could mean facing parenthood longing before you feel ready. Also, a SACS reporter stated, â€Å"60 percent of college women, who have acquired sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS and genital herpes, were under the influence of alcohol at the time they had intercourse. Planning ahead is a good idea. If you think hat you're likely to have sex, stay away from too much alcohol. † This is telling us we need alcohol education because we could warn students about the effects of sex that I have listed above.Another reason why we need alcohol education for this argument is to keep our students safe, make them not do decisions they will regret in the future. They might not have support at home from their parents or guardians but they could rely on us if we had these types of organizations. We could either protect a female student from getting pregnant while alcohol education in BECK is formed or to which would then make us really weak and no one would support our campaign. Adolescents should be the healthiest people on the planet, the â€Å"almost grown ups† still young and full of dreams for the future.But today's adolescents are a troubled generation. Far from being the healthiest time of life, adolescence is instead a period of risk and vulnerability. Accor ding to scientists, bodies that are still growing and undeveloped are the ones that get involved with drinking, drugs and sex. And evidence shows British teenagers are among those exposed to the greatest threats. While puberty takes adolescents into a period of risky behavior powered by their hormones, their brains are still vulnerable to the effects of activities such as drinking and drug taking.Scientist, Jay Square said â€Å"the adolescent brain is handicapped in the rational assessment of risk and prone to â€Å"hot cognitions†. These decisions are influenced by exciting or stressful conditions which adults are better able to get rid of than teens. The modern teenager is taking longer than ever to grow up as social changes have added years to education and delayed marriage. Or basically the average teen is taking longer to ‘settle down'. Eighteen years of age is no longer regarded as the start of adulthood.Fifty years ago, people married and started families at th is age. Today over three times more young people are in further education and most spend years in work before marrying and ‘settling down'. US researchers warned I-J researchers last year that heavy drinking during the teenage years, when the brain is still growing, can affect the brain, particularly the development of memory and the ability to tell what is on a map. Adolescents should vive life, and have fun.Diseases from drinking alcohol need to be mentioned in alcohol education, not to scare the students and never make them drink alcohol but to let them know they're responsible for how much they want to drink and when they feel like doing it. Alcohol metabolism could be explained later on how the body breaks down and eliminates alcohol from the body because everyone's bodies are different. Our Job would be to let them know everything about what happens after you drink alcohol under-age when you're brain and other parts of your body are still developing.My last argument is a bout what happens to your body after you drink a few glasses or shots of alcohol and if you really want all that to happen to you. When you take a drink, about 20 percent of the alcohol is absorbed in your stomach and the remaining 80 percent is absorbed in your small intestine. But usually after the alcohol is absorbed, it enters your bloodstream and is carried throughout your body. As the alcohol acts upon the body, the body is working really hard to remove it. The kidneys and lungs remove about 10 percent of the alcohol in the urine and the Citizenship This part of the essay will focus on why citizenship has become such a significant political issue in the UK. It will highlight what citizenship Is, who gets the citizenship and what the problems are that are affecting the country. Citizenship Is about being actively Involved In society; It Is a clear concept concerning migration and legal status which Is formed of having the rights to stay In the country, rights to enter freely and rights to welfare and education.Citizenship has become a significant political issue in the UK because of the mass majority of people who grant here from their countries in order to build a life in the I-J. The country is getting over populated with immigrants and eastern European people, these individuals are coming to the country and are taking on work which pays less than the minimum wage which can at times deprive citizens getting Jobs.Doing the life In the UK test to qualify for citizenship has proven to be insignificant due to the Inconsistency of t he questions one ought to study: The report Is endorsed by the Revered. Lord Roberts, the Vice-Chalk of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Migration quote ‘examining the test and Its role In British Immigration policy. My report concluded that the test Is impractical;' published the first independent and comprehensive report examining the test and its role in British immigration policy.My report concluded that the test is impractical, inconsistent and contains serious gender imbalance rendering it unfit for purpose' (migrants rights). Furthermore less than the majority even knows how to fluently speak English which invalidates how or what the questions on the SOL version of the life in the UK test teaches, although the government introduced these test to enforce migrants to participate in society it isn't worked well, these people are studying for the test in order to pass and benefit from what the country has to offer to those who are British citizens.Although the governmen t has been reinforcing new rules and regulation that makes It hard for immigrants to obtain visas and are tougher on Asylum seekers now days, the country Is still growing In migrants who either come and do labor work for low wages which impacts on those skilled workers getting good paid work and those migrants have no sense of dependency, they come to the UK expecting a better life for no hard work NY type of work at all, this is where the political problem occurs. Citizenship By Loretta political issue in the I-J.It will highlight what citizenship is, who gets the citizenship Citizenship is about being actively involved in society; it is a clear concept concerning migration and legal status which is formed of having the rights to stay in the country, significant political issue in the I-J because of the mass majority of people who Doing the life in the UK test to qualify for citizenship has proven to be insignificant due to the inconsistency of the questions one ought to study: The report is endorsed y the Revered.Lord Roberts, the Vice-chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Migration quote ‘examining the test and its role in British immigration policy. My report concluded that the test is impractical;' published the first independent and what the questions on the SOL version of the life in the I-J test teaches, although government has been reinforcing new rules and regulation that makes it hard for is still growing in migrants who either come and do labor work for low wages which sense of dependency, they come to the I-J expecting a better life for no hard work. Citizenship Citizenship and Friendship is a piece from †Habits of the Heart’, which is written by Robert N. Bellah and associates. This passage talks about how the definition of friendship changes over time in American communities. Bellah says that classical ideas of friendship in early America contains three important elements that †Friends must enjoy one another’s company, friends must be useful to one another, and friends must share a common commitment to the good†. According to Bellah, the first two elements still exist at present days, but the third component seems being abandoned by people today.I disagree with Bellah’s idea because I think the third component, sharing a common commitment to the good, is still regarded as an important part of friendship. People reveal the third trait by donating, by volunteering and by agreeing to political stands. (T) Many people donate funds to foreign countries for helping them, and therefore, they establish an int ernational friendship. (R) According to the passage, traditional view of friendship is â€Å"not merely private: they are public, even political,for a civic order†. E)Like Bellah mentions, some people combine resources with only one goal and that is to help others, regardless their backgrounds. (E)For example, in the earthquake in 2008 in China, Japanese Government donated 5,300,000,000 Yen(approximately 5000,000 USD) to the earthquake. It was the second largest donation from all of the foreign countries. As we all know, Japan had aggressed China in World War II. These two countries had a really bad relationship in recent hundred years. However, Japan gave such a great help regardless the political disagreements, when China suffered disasters.Besides Japan donating money, they also sent volunteers , food supplies, shelters and medical attentions. (A) Japan placed the public good ahead of its political conflicts. They developed a friendship by providing resources such as money and volunteers to help china to recover from the earthquake. (C) The third element of friendship is maintained by providing helps without politics standing in the way. (T) People who work together for volunteer can establish a strong friendship. R) †But friendships were by no means confined to local communities in early American society,† Bellah says, â€Å"Particularly where a common cause united them, people of quire different backgrounds could become friends. † (E) The friendship derived from volunteering has a great strength because those volunteers are sharing the common goal, which is to serve for the society. (E)Tracing back to my high school year, I had an experience to be a volunteer to teach kids who could not afford the tuition. At that time, I met one of my best friends. We worked together for several weeks, but we seldom talked to each other.Until one day, we were assigned a work, which was designing an activity for children’s day. We became c lose through discussing and working on the assignment. We started chatting about the reason we came for the volunteer and the view for the future. Surprisingly, she understand my thought better than any of my friends. I felt our heart was so close in touch. We kept contacting each other after the volunteer and exchanged our views frequently. She was acting like a soulmate in life. (A)I think the reason we can be so close is because we have the same value and same concern to the public good. Volunteer is the linkage bind us together. C)Volunteering shows that the third component of friendship is important for people to establish a friendship and maintain the strength of that friendship. (T) In front of political disagreement, people choose to put common concern for the public good ahead of any individual conflicts. (R)The passage says †Their reconciliation after a period of bitter estrangement illustrates their capacity to put their common concern for the public good ahead of t heir Partisan disagreements† (e) Some people choose to abandon their original political stand and put the common concern on the first place for benefiting the nation. E)Here, I want to talk about Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton. This two people were both candidates for the election five years ago. Even though they were both in Democratic party, they emphasized the different point of views. Obama and Clinton disagreed on few issues since 2005. For instance, Obama voted the Mandate, which forces automaker to achieve 40 mile-per-gallon average fuel economy by the year 2017. Meanwhile, Clinton rejected it. Moreover, Clinton voted for using force in Iraq. However, Obama fought against Wars. Cliton and Obama became friends after they work together. I consider Hillary a strong friend. † Obama said in CBS 60’ minutes. (A) Clinton put away her original view and functioned as a coherent unit with Obama for benefiting the people in America. (C)As a result, Obama and Clinton developed their friendship because they worked for the same goal for their nation. Overall, the third component can be shown by donating, volunteering, and agreeing to political stands. Sharing the same commitment to the good are still one of the most important elements of friendship today. It’s the key of establishing and maintaining a true friendship.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Brokeback Mountain compare and contrast Essay - 877 Words

First, I applaud the movie for daring to tell a story that nobody else presumed creating. Even in 2005, this was a pretty prohibited thing to discuss. To its credit, the movie follows the original story fairly close, but a details were left out that made all the difference. The short story Brokeback Mountain (1997) written by Annie Proulx received a lot of attention when it was first published in the New Yorker. The story is about the relationship between Jack Twist and Ennis Del Mar, two cowboys who develop a forbidden love for each other and have to live separate lives. They first meet when they both get hired to herd sheep on Brokeback Mountain in Wyoming. The movie adaptations by the director Ang Lee, came out 2005. And it received†¦show more content†¦They actually talk about it, how much better this is than with any woman. It shows them close, it shows them getting personal, even discussing the possibility of running away together. The movie did not discribe the emotional intimacy Jack and Ennis shared even before they had sex. Enniss emotional transformation in Jacks company appears in the book with the line, Ennis, riding against the wind back to the sheep in the treacherous, drunken light, thought hed never had such a good time, felt h e could paw the white out of the moon. The deep friendship does not reveal in the movie, the way the book does, which was the foundation for their love. (Walford, Compare/contrast the book vs. the movie, ennisjack, 2006) Alma take a quite big part in the short-story, because of Ennis and his importance. As I mentioned before, Ennis is more well portrayed than Jack and this makes Ennis and Almas relationship more evident. In December Ennis married Alma Beers and had her pregnant by mid-January. This shows how Alma is mentioned only because of Ennis. Whereas Jack and Laureens relationship in the short-story is insignificant and unutterable. I got a boy, said Jack. Eight months old. Tell you what, I married a cute little old Texas girls down in Childress - Laureen. This is the only time Jack mention Laureen, the others are Ennis trying to make him remember her. You got your baby and wife, that place in Texas. In the film we get the opportunity toShow MoreRelatedFilm Review : Lust Caution2262 Words   |  10 PagesChiu-Wai) who was the assassinated target of Wong. Wong belonged to a troupe of drama students(â€Å"the troupe†) from Hong Kong University who plan this assassination. Lust, Caution, the next creation after Ann Lee had won the Best Director for Brokeback Mountain at Academy Award, was less known to the western world due to the cultural and language barrier. However, this is another master piece of Ann Lee which did not only demonstrate his capability in transforming literature into motion picture, butRead MoreNespresso Co. Analysis15084 Words   |  61 Pagesrepresent 4% of the company’s turn over (compare to 96% for the sale of capsules), they play key roles in Nespresso’s global strategy. This integrated system work exactly as the ones we observe in the printer market. II. COUNTRY CLIMATE a. Cultural Environment The regionalism in Switzerland makes it very difficult to speak only one language. They are influenced by Germany, Italy and France. Furthermore, the Rhaeto-Romanic culture in the eastern mountains of Switzerland is robust. i. Art

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

16th May EMA tutorial - 1796 Words

Welcome to DE100 2014J Final Tutorial Focusing on the EMA: Due Tue 26th May 2015 †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Module Review EMA guidelines Planning an essay Submitting the EMA Welcome †¢ Have you registered for your next module? If yes then share with the group what you are doing next. Module Overview †¢ In groups you have 10 minutes to discuss one of the 3 parts of Investigating psychology: – Part 1 (Ch.1 - 3) ‘Why people do harm to others?’ – Part 2 (Ch.4 - 6) ‘What determines human behaviour?’ – Part 3 (Ch.7 - 9) ‘Psychological processes that cannot be directly observed’ †¢ Think about the studies and concepts in each of the parts and be prepared to discuss your ideas when you are called back. Module Overview: Part 1 Why people do harm to others? †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦Box 3.2: Why do it this way? is especially relevant, as it considers an important advantage of the experimental method. Chapter 6: No experiments are discussed in this chapter, however, the essay question requires you to discuss the value of experiments. Consider if there are certain aspects of human behaviour and/or performance that cannot be meaningfully investigated using experiments. What are the alternative methods of studying behaviour? Sections 2 and 3 of Chapter 6 are relevant in this respect. Box 6.1 describes some of the advantages of qualitative methods, while Section 3 discusses the use of interviews and ethnography to study friendships. Chapter 9: Sections 2, 3 and 4 provide information relevant to the question, they describe a number of experiments carried out in order to enhance our understanding of memory. Section 3 and Box 9.2: Why do it this way? are especially relevant, as they consider some of the limitations of experiments with regard to the application of memory research to real-life contexts. You might want to reflect on this when evaluating the contribution of experiments to the understanding of human behaviour and performance. Quantitative vs. Qualitative †¢ What are the strengths of the experimental method? †¢ What are the limitations? †¢ Consider the above in relation to quantitative and qualitative methodology Using audio-visual material †¢ Try to use at least one piece of audio-visual material to